Sunday 13 October 2013

Dotty Diva 2013

             Whats coming next in Dotty Diva Designs?                      

Well I have to say the Blog has been a bit neglected due to not knowing if I can mention what paint i'm using and a few other complications.

Glad to say i'm back on track with a few more strings to my bow. As they say it's not what you know!

Next year I will be working with someone who also has a love for French furniture and up-cycling.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Home of the Personalised Gift

Dotty Diva Designs and Yew wood are working hard together to bring you a range of gifts and Home ware that you cannot buy on the High Street.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Chalk Paint shabby chic clothes rail

I picked up this great wooden clothes rail. Shame it was in horrible  varnished pine. 

 The only answer of course was Chalk paint
 After it was keyed very quickly using wire wool and then wiped down I chose old white to give it some nice love and attention!
 I gave it two coats of paint and then waxed it in clear wax. left it to dry and then polished it lightly.
 Added two hearts painted in  Another item I don't want to part with. Great for the Vintage craft fairs.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Chalk paint....Champagne and Nibbles!

 Chalk Paint

 .....Champagne and Nibbles

Take two old painted tables.
lightly sand down

Paint with two coats of  Chalk Paint we've used Evening Shadow. Then make your stencil..this one is made using our 
silhouette vinyl cutter
 Paint your letters in Cocos or similar  chalk paint.
Remove your stencil when dry carefully

Once it is dry you can wax it. Use two coats of clear wax leave ten minutes in-between coats and buff to finish

Our Latest creation..... Two side tables 
Made in the style of East of india. I was going for a
 Boutique Chic look!
Using Chalk Paints . Colour/ mix and 
waxed with Two coats of clear Wax

Now It's ready for the Girls night in!!!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Home of the Personalised Gift: Wine rack in Chalk Paint

Home of the Personalised Gift: Wine rack in  Chalk Paint: This is the result we achieved using 'Code Blue'   Chalk Paint . First we keyed it and gave it two coats of the  code blue  ...

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Home of the Personalised Gift: From Minging to Magnificent with chalk paint Magic!

Home of the Personalised Gift: From Minging to Magnificent with chalk paint Magic!: We found theses NOT very nice chairs. In fact we bought 8 of them.  The Pattern on them made me quite worried we'd be able to do nothing ...

From Minging to Magnificent with chalk paint Magic!

We found theses NOT very nice chairs. In fact we bought 8 of them. 
The Pattern on them made me quite worried we'd be able to do nothing with them!

Promptly removed horrid wheat design and seat, forgot to take a photo of that.
Gave it some chalk paint love....

Waxed with   clear

 I found some black velvet and recovered the problem, the same as usual, I want to keep it for myself!! Luckily I have 7 more to try in different colours and different finishes..
It's found it's way into my bedroom and matches in perfectly with the dressing table Steve made me earlier this year..

Now for the Next Project....